Stock Number: BVM K7300
•The Ultra Bandit is flight test proven to endure extreme speed and extreme aerobatics.
•It has a generous wing area with built-in washout for very stable slow flight and landings.
•Large control surfaces for ‚Äúsquare corner‚Äù aerobatics.
•Extra large landing flaps delete the need for speed brake devices and allow very slow landings. Touchdown speed is 35-38mph.
•Model grass field suitable - because it is big and powerful, it can take off and land in short distances and the undercarriage is designed for it.
•Easy field assembly - We designed the 98‚Äù long ‚ÄúUltra‚Äù for quick assembly, allowing convenient transport to the model field. There are 2 screws and 2 servo connections per wing and stab and just 2 set screws for the fin, and if necessary, the aft fuse section can be removed with 4 set screws and 3 servo connections. With the wings removed, the Ultra Bandit will fit into many SUV‚Äôs. We make a special Jet Cradle to make your Ultra even easier to transport and work on.
•One generous size hatch on the top of the fuselage allows access to radio, fuel system and the engine, to change a glow plug, and make fuel and electrical connections.
•For total access to the engine and fuel tanks, and, to further reduce the transport size of the "Ultra". The aft fuse detaches as shown. The stainless steel tubes and machined aluminum receptacles are factory installed for perfect alignment.
•The aerodynamic wing fillet is complete when the molded aft fairing is in place.
•Flying surface skins are laminated with balsa instead of the usual foam used in ARF‚Äôs. The balsa adds ‚Äúgrain strength‚Äù and allows less of the internal structure to show through. BVM‚Äôs proprietary skin laminating process also minimizes the balsa and fiberglass grain from printing through.
•In the interest of simplicity and low maintenance, we designed the main struts and gear mounting to eliminate the need for inner wheel well doors. By design, the main wheels are flush with the bottom wing skin in the retracted position. This technique is used on the Boeing 737 and some corporate jets. It is efficient and low drag.
•The heavy duty retracts and struts are specifically designed for the ‚ÄúUltra‚Äù and can handle the loads.
•The cockpit houses the popular Elite Force (or similar) pilots in proper scale. Vacuum formed, and resin molded plastic parts, provide a quick-to-assemble and convincing cockpit interior. The clear canopy is the quality that only BVM can produce.
•Fin Shape - Swept or Standard, your choice.
•Fuel System design - no C.G. shift with burn-off.
•No ballast is required. Battery pack location can be adjusted for fine tuning the Center-of-Gravity to fit your flight style preference.
•Surface hinges are factory installed for the elevators, ailerons and flaps. The rudder is center hinged with machined carbon fiber parts.
•The rudder torque rod linkage is factory installed and disengages with fin removal. Factory installed machined aluminum brackets retain the fin and stabs.
•The optional under wing tanks add to the pleasant appearance and visual orientation of the ‚ÄúUltra‚Äù and are extremely easy to put on and remove. Just a pull on the EZ Hangar trigger, that‚Äôs it. The pylons are molded onto the tanks as a one piece unit.
•Factory painting techniques produce a seamless fuselage, uncommon on ARFs.
•4 Wing hard points for external tank mounts and bomb pylons are factory installed with predrilled pilot holes.
•The Eagle Tree Pro Telemetry System (optional) provides real time data throughout your flight with its hand held receiver. It provides airspeed, altitude, G-forces and many other parameters when used with a pitot tube and the BVM pitot tube mount.
•About 60hrs of assembly gets you in the air. Most of that time involves mounting the radio, engine equipment, landing gear, fuel system, and detailing the cockpit.
•And the best part of all is the Ultra‚Äôs flight profile. It is unmatched in the world of sport jets. From its super stable slow flight, and in-the-box aerobatics, to its all out high speed and accurate knife edge, the Ultra Bandit will prove to be the favorite of serious jet pilots.
Envergadura: 85" (2159mm)
Comprimento: 98" (2490mm) |